Professional Provider ofPractical and Emotional Support


Breastfeeding Support

Need breastfeeding help? You've come to the right place! Breastfeeding consults are available in person or virtually and provide help and support around any and all infant feedings issues. Most insurances reimburse. 

Prenatal Support

Learn more about how you can get all your prenatal education and resources in one place! Includes online live prenatal classes such as childbirth education, breastfeeding, and newborn care. Also includes prenatal breastfeeding consults.

Sleep Education Coaching

Need support with sleep? We offer virtual and in person support for infant sleep development and troubles. Our sleep coaching is unique as it follows the biological needs of baby's with plans that are gentle and cry-free. 

More Options

IBCLC Mentoring for Professionals

I offer consults with aspiring IBCLCs both in person (for those local) or via phone/skype for those who aren’t local.

Online Resources

We are here to help you through this process. I have combined some resources that may help. There are guides and my referral network.


The Baby Pro Bistro is an online membership program that provides all your prenatal and postpartum resources as well as a community of supportive parents and monthly guest experts. 

Get everything you need to feel confident in. your parenting journey.