Breastfeeding with Ties, DMER, and Supply Anxiety with Lauren Berg


A new parent or soon-to-be parent, if you’ve ever wondered about the challenges of breastfeeding and the emotional toll it can take? In this episode of the Baby Pro Podcast, Shelly and Lauren dive deep into the breastfeeding world and talk about their own experiences.  But one question emerges, what valuable lesson can we learn from Lauren journey?

 Unexpected challenges arose for Lauren during her breastfeeding days starting from difficulty latching to supply issues and emotional struggles. She stresses the significance of looking out for support and being crystal clear about the hardships although it seems uncomfortable. She also advises medical professionals to practice curiosity all the time and stay proactive in searching solutions for breastfeeding challenges.

 Let’s navigate with Shelly and Lauren the ups and downs of motherhood and realize valuable insights on the Baby Pro Podcast. From birth plans to feeding journeys, their presence can be counted on at all times to support us in every step of the way. So grab a cup of tea, sit back, relax, and get ready to learn from Lauren’s powerful breastfeeding journey.

In this episode, you will learn the following:


  • Why you should be flexible and adaptable with of birth plans and feeding as things don’t always stick in accordance to plan.

  • Potential issues may come in the way such as latch problems, low milk supply, and painful conditions like mastitis which make breastfeeding a challenging and difficult journey to deal with.

  • Seek a second opinion from trusting sources like lactation consultants or specialists other than medical professionals who may not fully realize or spot the issues.

  • Conquering breastfeeding difficulties and making mother and baby experience better are possible when considering various techniques and approaches that can deal with tie release or addressing ties.

Connect with Shelly: 


Website: Massachusetts IBCLC | Lactation Consultant – Shelly Taft

Resources Mentioned: 

 Woman Gives Birth After Uterus Transplant – Cleveland Clinic  

Understanding Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex

Mastitis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Tongue-Tie (Ankyloglossia): Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Chestfeeding if you’re trans or non-binary – NHS 

Preeclampsia: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments & Prevention

Duct Ectasia